Tianli 11.5/80-15.3 F302 14PR 139A8 TL Ελαστικό προς πώληση σε Truck1, ID: 8372128
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  • ≈ 95 USD

Tianli 11.5/80-15.3 F302 14PR 139A8 TL

Νέα Ελαστικό για Γεωργικά μηχανήματαTianli 11.5/80-15.3 F302 14PR 139A8 TL


Τιμή χωρίς ΦΠΑ

Νέα Ελαστικό για Γεωργικά μηχανήματα Tianli 11.5/80-15.3 F302 14PR 139A8 TL

Δημοσίευσε: 2μήνες 11ημέρες

Νέα Ελαστικό για Ρυμούλκα για τρακτέρ Tianli 11.5/80-15.3 F302 14PR 139A8 TL: φωτογραφία 1
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Δημοσίευσε: 2μήνες 11ημέρες



Τιμή χωρίς ΦΠΑ

  • ≈ 95 USD




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pneumatic diagonal, 11.50-15.30
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We are pleased to present to you Tianli agricultural tire with full name:

11.5/80-15.3 TIANLI F302 14PR

Tianli's 11.5/80-15.3 F302 agricultural tire is the quintessential example of innovation and advanced technology in the field of farm trailer tires. Designed for maximum strength and durability, this tire is now considered the best option on the market for farmers looking for a reliable solution for their machinery.

Durability and Strong Sidewalls

One of the key aspects that sets Tianli's F302 apart is its exceptional durability, achieved through the use of strong sidewalls. This specially designed construction provides the tire with the ability to withstand heavy loads and intensive use typical of agricultural work. The strong sidewalls also protect the tire from mechanical damage, such as cuts and punctures, which is extremely important in tough off-road conditions.

Strong Rubber Compound

The Tianli F302 uses a strong rubber compound that has been developed to provide optimal durability and abrasion resistance. This advanced rubber compound not only extends the life of the tire, but also provides excellent traction on a variety of surfaces, from dry ground to wet fields, significantly improving safety and efficiency.

Best Trailer Tire on the Market

The Tianli F302 is now considered the best farm trailer tire on the market, a combination of innovative design, durability and reliability. With its unique features, such as strong sidewalls and a strong rubber compound, the F302 provides farmers with peace of mind knowing that their trailers are equipped with tires ready to handle the toughest conditions.


The Tianli F302 agricultural tire in size 11.5/80-15.3 is an unmatched solution for anyone looking for strength, durability and reliability. Its strong construction and advanced rubber compound make it an ideal choice for farm trailers, ensuring safe and efficient operation in all conditions. When you choose Tianli F302, you are investing in the highest quality and innovation, making it the best trailer tire on the market.

The presented model has been available on the world market for many years and enjoys very good reviews from customers who appreciate high-quality products at a fair price.

The F302 model is a tire designed for long and trouble-free operation in all kinds of classic farm trailers in need of reliable, proven and robust tires.

Thanks to the classic tread and modern design, the manufacturer has managed to achieve very high self-cleaning properties of the tire, which any user of trailers working in agriculture will appreciate.

The tire's strong carcass, despite its small size, allows it to work with considerable loads (see - tire certificate), and the thick sidewalls minimize the chance of any side penetration, guaranteeing peace of mind for the user.

The Tianli F302 is a tire that offers the latest and most modern solutions in the production of agricultural tires that the global Tianli company offers.

A strong and compact bias-ply construction is responsible for the F302's durability and resistance to mechanical damage. In addition, the tire is characterized by a high kerb weight, equal to tires from a much higher price range in the same size.

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Τιμή χωρίς ΦΠΑ

  • ≈ 95 USD

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